So You Think You Know The Royals? We Are Not Amused

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You haven’t missed an episode of “The Crown” on Netflix, you’ve admired Helen Mirren’s Oscar-winning performance in “The Queen,” and you fell in love with Colin Firth in the film “The King’s Speech.” So you think you know the royals? Think again. To get in the mood for Hartford Stage’s upcoming (March 19-April 19) production of “The King’s Speech” — David Seidler’s play on which the 2010 film and his Oscar-winning screenplay are based — we’ve devised a cunning little quiz to twist the knickers of the most devoted royalist. Test your knowledge of “The King’s Speech,” King George VI and assorted royals over the years to find out if you belong at the palace or if you are merely a pretender to the throne.

1. When she was young, close family members called Queen Elizabeth II what nickname?

  • Lizzy

  • Muffin

  • Lilibet

  • Beth

  • Cozy

2. What did Queen Elizabeth II call 1992?

  • “A royal disaster.”

  • “Annus horribilis.”

  • “The saddest year of my reign.”

  • “The thorn in the crown.”

  • “A year of regret, but now a time to renew.”

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3. When meeting the queen, one addresses her at first as “Your Majesty.” After that it’s …

  • Toots

  • Ma’am

  • It’s always “Your majesty.”

  • “My queen”

  • “My liege”

4. What is the place where Queen Elizabeth II is said to be happiest?

  • Balmoral Castle

  • Windsor Castle

  • Buckingham Palace

  • Downton Abbey

  • Winchester Cathedral

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5. What is Queen Elizabeth’s go-to alcoholic drink?

  • Long Island Iced Tea

  • Gin and Dubonnet

  • Gin and Tonic with a dash of Bitters

  • Bloody Mary

6. What odd fact is true about King George VI?

  • Although naturally left-handed, he was forced to write with his right hand.

  • Though he loathed hunting, he was forced to participate in the royal sport.

  • He sought out a hypnotist to curb his smoking habit.

  • He participated in a secret seance to communicate with his dead father.

  • He collected spoons.